Top Round Roast Beef
Preheat oven and roasting pan to 425°F.
Rub salt, pepper and garlic into the meat.
After the pan is preheated, grease the bottom of the pan with a thin layer of butter.
Place meat roasting pan and return to the oven.
Cook meat at 425° for 15 minutes.
Turn oven down to 325°F.
Baste often.
Roast for
3-4 LB ROAST – 1 HR
5-6 LB ROAST – 1 HR 15 MIN
7-10 LB ROAST – 1 HR 30 MIN
@ 325°F.
Ovens will vary, causing cooking times to vary as well. Remove the roast from the oven when desired internal temperature has been met (see below).
Rest, covered, for 20 minutes to allow the juices to settle.
Internal temperatures:
120-125 for Rare
128 for Medium Rare
130-135 for Medium
**Consuming Raw or Undercooked Food Can Be Hazardous to Your Health**